首页 - 商学院主管 > 商学院主管岗位职责


发布于:2023-11-08 11:30 作者:凤马

Sr. Class Coordinator商学院高级课程主管-上海浦东-00298 中欧国际工商学院 中欧国际工商学院 Major Job Responsibilities:

 Work closely with Deputy MBA Director and the MBA program team to oversee all aspects of the cohort during the study period, including academic learning, extra-curriculum experiences and career development;

 Work closely with Student Committee and key student leaders to manage the overall cohort dynamics to foster a positive cohort culture and proactively address the potential issues;

 Manage the key events of the cohort, including but not limited to opening, graduation, year-end party, orientation and exit module, etc.;

 Serve as the key interface of the cohort with school administration and knowledge center of cohort students;

 Manage and advise on the academic planning of the cohort, including options of different length of the program, overseas electives, China modules, Concentrations, Coordinated Degree Programs, academic probation, special academic arrangement, defer, leave, etc.;

 Manage the student reward and penalty review process, including scholarship, Dean’s List, various graduates awards, disciplinary process, etc.;

 Manage and work closely with section coordinators and relevant colleagues for all the cohort related projects including section and group arrangement for each term, student-led signature events, student database, etc.;

 Ensure smooth implementation of relevant policies and process, and propose on further improvement.

 Provide teaching support and coordination for relevant courses;

 Other independent projects and administrative support to MBA program.

Basic Job Requirements:

 Bachelor degree or above;

 At least six years’ working experience in general management and administration function. Rich experience in program operations and support;

 Fluent English and good command of Office operations (Excel, Power Point, Access, etc.). IT knowledge and background is an advantage;

 Excellent communication and negotiation skills;

 Strategic thinking, capabilities to plan, lead and manage complex projects;

 Mature, responsible, positive, high commitment and strong multi-task management skills.




标签: # 商学院 # 主管


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