首页 - 亚马逊 > 亚马逊岗位职责


发布于:2022-03-08 22:06 作者:爱何子叶

BSP Software Development Engineer 亚马逊 北京神州祥龙投资管理有限公司,神州祥龙 Amazon Lab126 is an inventive research and development company that designs and engineers high-profile devices like the Kindle family of products. Lab126 began in 2004 as a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc. Since then, we have worked to produce best-selling tablets with breakthrough hardware technology as well as e-readers that have revolutionized reading. What will you help us create?

Work hard. Have fun. Make history.

The Role:

We are looking for a talented, detail-oriented and enthusiastic Senior Software Development Engineer who is passionate about quality and is enthusiastic about new digital media products.

As a Senior Software Development Engineer, you will engage with an experienced cross-disciplinary staff to conceive and design innovative consumer products. You must be responsive, flexible and able to succeed within an open collaborative peer environment. You will work closely with the hardware, ODM, and QA teams to take the product from concept to customer release and ensure the highest level of quality for your deliverables. have in-depth expertise working with the Linux kernel, drivers or smart TV platform. In this role, you will:

Investigate, prototype and deliver new and innovative system solutions for smart TV platform.

Mentor other software developers to maintain architectural vision and software quality

Participate in design reviews, API development, and documentation

Deliver investigation plans and reports, architectural documents, design specs, software and firmware source code, build scripts

Enjoy working side by side with partners, colleagues, and teams on tough problems

Have in-depth expertise working with consumer electronics mobile or smart TV product

Are comfortable with proactive outward communication and technical leadership and never shy away from a challenge

Basic qualifications

Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering or similar technical field.

7+ years’ experience hands-on software development

Experience with Linux development environment.

7+ years of experience in one or more specific technical areas such as Boot, USB, Graphics, eMMC, HDMI, frame buffer, System performance, wireless devices.

Experience with Android and Linux development on kernel, device drivers, or frameworks

Preferred qualifications

Master’s degree preferred.

Strong debugging/trouble-shooting skills of embedded systems

Expertise on the smart TV development

Strong communication and interpersonal skills.

Proficiency in the tools of the trade, including a variety of modern programming languages (Java, JavaScript, C/C++, Python) and open-source technologies (Linux, Android, OpenGL, Eclipse)

Ability to occasionally travel internationally.






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